Weight loss can often feel like an uphill battle. With a variety of fad diets, weight loss programs, intense work out routines and social media health hacks, achieving a specific weight loss goal can seem frustrating. Weight control is not just about calories in and calories out. Managing a healthy weight is complicated, it involves nutritional guidance, movement/exercise regimens, improving digestive health, hormonal balance, mental health management, prioritizing sleep and metabolic control. The combination of these factors is what can significantly help you regain your health and successfully keep excess weight off.
- Consume 1200-1800 calories daily. Weight loss programs that guarantee fast results, such as more than 3 to 5 lbs loss a week often encourage very low caloric intake. Calorie-restricted diets work by starving the body, something that is not sustainable in the long term. The human body simply cannot keep functioning optimally on limited fuel intake. Fast-track weight loss plans often result in long term weight gain, usually involving more weight gain than prior to the initial diet plan. The reason for this is short term caloric restriction can impact hormones, sleep, stress and appetite signals within the brain. Once you stop the diet plan various body systems become dysregulated and contribute to additional weight gain. Instead skip the crash diets and stick to a long-term sustainable program that teaches you about consuming adequate calories for your specific lifestyle and focus on consuming real nutrient-dense foods that sustain healthy weight goals. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats can provide the body with essential nutrients and help you naturally keep excess weight off.
- Move your body daily. The human body was not designed to sit in front of a screen all day. We were designed with joints that are meant to bend and muscles that function to contract and become stronger with movement. Committing to a daily walk, getting up from your desk and periodically stretching, or lifting some weights can help the body feel energized and useful. Prioritize body movement activities everyday with an at-home exercise routine, a visit to your local gym, going up and down your staircase or simply taking your dog on a few daily walks. Expending stored energy within the body has an impact on weight loss so work towards a less sedentary lifestyle and get those muscles moving.
- Optimize liver function. The liver is the human body’s organ that works to remove toxins and waste from the body. Ensuring your body is not storing unwanted waste can help reduce toxin load and support nutrient absorption which is important when trying to lose weight.
- Curb cravings. Whether they are sweet or salty, cravings and excessive snacking can quickly lead to excess weight gain. Developing a scheduled meal time routine with satisfying and healthy foods can keep you from snacking excessively and reaching for those mid-afternoon and late night treats. Overtime, regularly scheduled meals can help your brain and body predict when food is expected to enter the body, this can help regulate energy, concentration, blood sugar levels and reduce cravings throughout the day. However, keep in mind this only works if your meals are nutritiously balanced and portioned correctly.
- Keep thyroid hormone levels within normal range. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, so a slow functioning thyroid may slow down your metabolism and therefore be the underlying cause for weight gain. Have your doctor check your thyroid hormone levels annually. Weight gain or difficulty losing weight and keeping it off may be an indication that your thyroid hormones are not within normal range. If your thyroid levels are not within normal range then consult your doctor to determine the best ways to improve your levels.
Choosing natural health products that support energy, liver and digestive health, sleep regulation, hormone balance and reduce cravings, alongside lifestyle changes and a balanced healthy diet are more likely to help you achieve your long term weight management goals. So stop researching the newest fad diet and try a whole diet and lifestyle approach instead.
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